Wednesday, January 14, 2009


so i am getting sick of looking at my boring, plain, blah page. i really need your ladies help. i would like to get a new header. at least something with some color! lol!

and i need to know how to add link to my page of all the blogs that i read. i tried to figure out how to do it but for the life of me i cant. and i would like to add pictures too!

any help you wonderful ladies can give would be great!!

and i decided i need to type like i would write so from now on punctuation and capitalization where it should be. More then likely my I's will still be lower cased! lol i have always had a bad habit of that! to start figuring out what to send the hubby for Valentines day and our 4 year anniversary. If you know of anything that would be a good treat that will make it to him and still be good let me know. The only thing that i can think of that i know will be in 1 piece are suckers.

well im off to clean.

1 comment:

d.a.r. said...

For pictures: go to dashboard, then layout, then "add a gadget". You can pick from a variety of things, but click on "picture" and then upload whatever one you want.

For a blog list, go to dashboard, layout, add a gadget, then click on "blog list", you can either import the stuff you read through Google Reader, or just copy and paste links. It's super easy!

Just play around with it. That's how I figured it all out!